lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016

My future job

Resultado de imagen para forestry

When I was 16 I wanted to study Marine biology in the university “Catolica del Norte” located in Coquimbo, because I love the sea and I think the marine life is very interesting, but I realized that I was not ready to go live alone to another city and I began to investigate a little more about the career and I realized that I was not sure if I wanted to work on that in the future.
When I was 18, I was freaked out because I was in my last year of school and I had two months to decide that I wanted to study. So I started looking for all the possible university careers and thus I discovered forestry.
I loved the career (I still love it, most of the time) and I felt that I would be happy working on that in the future because I would not have to be sitting all day in an office.
When I started studying I discovered that within the career there are different possible areas in which to work. And I realized that many people in second year have already chose the area he likes and start working with a teacher as a teaching assistant  or working in laboratories.
I'm in second year and I'm still not sure which area to choose so I think I'll have to investigate to decide what area I'd like to work in the future.

Resultado de imagen para forestry

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