In my holidays since I
was a little girl I go to La Serena during January and to Temuco during
I have two aunts who live in those cities and
it is something amazing because I love go and spend my holidays in those
But everything changed
upon I start to study forestry in university
My last holidays were
more boring than usual because during last January I had practice for the
university and lost two weeks of my vacation and I could not go to La Serena
like every year.
But I was able to tour
many places in region X and I spent a weekend in Puerto Varas with my friends.
During February I went
to Antofagasta for one weekend (I went to my uncle's marriage) And the rest of
the month I worked in a clothing store.
In summary the only
entertainment I did on my last holiday was trekking and swimming in the pool.
But the next holidays
will be different because I will go to Viña del Mar for a week and then go to
the practice of the university for two weeks (If I pass biometrics) one week
will be in Pantanillos and the other in Malleco.
And in February I will
go to Machu Picchu and visit different parts of Peru and Bolivia for 20 days.
I'll go with my
boyfriend and with a friend and I am very excited about this trip because it
will be a lot of fun and a great experience
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