lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Actually I’m at the end of my second year of forestry and I hope finish the career in 3 more years and I don’t know if I want to work immediately or study a postgraduate.
In my faculty there are two possible masters to do, one of them is in wild areas and nature conservation and the other on Environmental Planning and Management. The first call my attention because it’s about how nature is changing due to the action of man, and how economic growth is changing the relationship between society and the environment.
Also within the faculty of Forest science and nature conservation is also the option of holder of a diploma (there are 4 available), But it’s not within my plans to make one.
Because I’m attracted to the idea of starting to work as soon as possible to no longer depend on my parents and go live alone outside of Santiago to the south of Chile.

Really I’m not sure about if I want to do a postgraduate or not, because there is a lot of time for think about that, and for the moment I just want to concentrate in my current subjects to finish my career in 3 more year. And when the right time comes I’ll think about the idea of do a postgraduate.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016

My future job

Resultado de imagen para forestry

When I was 16 I wanted to study Marine biology in the university “Catolica del Norte” located in Coquimbo, because I love the sea and I think the marine life is very interesting, but I realized that I was not ready to go live alone to another city and I began to investigate a little more about the career and I realized that I was not sure if I wanted to work on that in the future.
When I was 18, I was freaked out because I was in my last year of school and I had two months to decide that I wanted to study. So I started looking for all the possible university careers and thus I discovered forestry.
I loved the career (I still love it, most of the time) and I felt that I would be happy working on that in the future because I would not have to be sitting all day in an office.
When I started studying I discovered that within the career there are different possible areas in which to work. And I realized that many people in second year have already chose the area he likes and start working with a teacher as a teaching assistant  or working in laboratories.
I'm in second year and I'm still not sure which area to choose so I think I'll have to investigate to decide what area I'd like to work in the future.

Resultado de imagen para forestry

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

National Parks

Image result for parque nacional alerce andino

The last national park  I visited was Alerce andino this park is located in the X region of the Lakes, in the province of Llanquihue.
I visited this park in january of this year during the summer practice, and it was a great experience because despite walking a lot I knew a wonderful place.
The Alerce Andino National Park is part of the Reserve of the Biosphere Temperate Rainforests of the Southern Andes, And in this place it is possible to protect different species of fauna like, pudú, cougar, güiña, monito del monte, Condor, the black carpenter and huet-huet.
The fauna present in this park is constituted mainly of Fitzroya cupressoides (alerce), but there are also other species like Nothofagus nítida (Coihue de Chiloe), Nothofagus betuloides (Coihue de Magallanes), Nothofagus pumilio (Lenga), Podocarpus nubigenus (Mañio) and Drimys winteri (Canelo).
Inside the park there are different paths (which are not connected together) and these have duration of several hours.
When I went to the national park we walk by the path to the cold lagoon (we walk for a long time) but it was fun at the same time because I was going with my friends, and at the end, when we arrived at the lagoon we ran to refresh ourselves and swim while we admired the beautiful landscape.

Image result for laguna fria alerce andino